Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

If you  are searching for job which has  high Employment Rate, Future Job Prospects, Median Salary, low Stress Level, and Work-Life Balance then Dentistry is best career choice for you. Maybe someone want to help people to bring smile in their life or just searching for rewarding career. No matter what your reason is but Dentistry is one of the best career choice you had ever made. The Bureau of Labor Statistics made an assumption that their will be growth in demand of dentist with 21%  before 2020. Despite of some endless hours of your study and assignments many times, you just have to remember that you are on the right track which leads to one of the best and number 1 profession.

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Here we discuss about universities and colleges which is famous for its giving best training and proper quality education and prepare their students to make them self capable of solving problems based on real life scenarios. Some of the top best universities are list below with short description: 

1. Karolinska Institute [Sweden]

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Karolinska Institute is one amongst the world’s leading medical university. Its mission is to contribute to the development of human health through analysis and education. Karolinska Institute accounts for over forty per cent of the medical tutorial analysis conducted in Scandinavian country and offers the country’s broadest vary of education in medication and health sciences. Among the Swedish dental faculties Karolinska Institutet is  leading the list of prime dental schools are the simplest within the world.

Dental studies are acquainted with the expert existence of a dental specialist in their first year through down to earth practices in a dental facility, visits to dental practices, and contact with later-year students.The hypothetical establishment of the course incorporates science, cell and atomic science and microbiology, and additionally the life systems and capacity of substantial organs. The general restorative establishment incorporates pathology, medication and pharmacology.

Entry  Requirement: Candidate can meet minimum requirement for doctoral education if he or she has been awarded advanced level degree, has satisfied the requirements for courses, or has got  equivalent knowledge by any other way in Sweden or abroad.

University Tuition Fee: About 2,00,000 SEK

Some Successful Alumni : Torsten Wiesel, Hugo Theorell, Rebecka Lilgeberg, and Carl Curman.

2. University of Hong Kong

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

   University of Hong Kong (HKU), is Hong Kong’s oldest tertiary establishment, with a history stretching back over 100 years. In 1982, the Faculty of Dentistry, based at the Prince Philip Dental Hospital, was established. It remains to this day Hong Kong's only faculty training dental professionals. University of Hong Kong (HKU) is additionally thought-about united of the highest  leading university within the field of dental medicine, that is additionally high in ranking. 

Entry  Requirement: Admission is different for local and foreign students, but mainly they are selected on the basis of the excellent grades and acheivment in Diploma level.

University Tuition Fee: About $20,000 annualy

Scholarship provided by University: The Scholarships is  awarded on the basis of academic merit continuous assessment results while studying BDS degree and  participation in extra-curricular activities also counts for scholarship.  .

3. University of Gothenburg

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

 University of Hong Kong (HKU), is Hong Kong’s oldest tertiary institution, with a history stretching back over a hundred years. The University of Hong Kong is today ranked amongst the most respected  universities in the world. In Hong Kong, the University leads the way in terms of funding and awards, which means you can experience exceptional support and learning facilities. You’ll find the largest international  dental student population in Hong Kong here. English as the medium of instruction, countless exchange, internship and other experiential learning opportunities, plus the location of its campus near to the dynamic business and entertainment heart of Hong Kong, are among many factors that attract tens of thousands of applicants each year and the highest admissions standards in the territory.

Entry  Requirement:  Candidates must have graduated from higher secondary school with a complete education supported by original transcripts and certificates. Proficiency in English speaking is also required. 

University Tuition Fee: About SEK  92,000 per year.

Scholarship provided by University: Scholarships are offered to applicants who have got high level of academic achievement. 

Some Successful Alumni : Magnus Carlsson, Jan Eliasson, Maria Wetterstrand, and Camilla Lackberg. 

4. King's College London (KCL)

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Kings school is one in every of the highest faculties in U.K. It has best faculty, resources and clinical facilities. Students during this school get probability to implement their learning of odontology in world with wonderful coaching. the school conducts collegian and postgraduate courses.King's incorporates a name for excellence, and for creating positive our graduates area unit given the simplest potential opportunities in life. With progressive courses and facilities, further as our continuing investment in postgraduate studies, King's can give you a novel educational expertise which will stick with you for all times.

Entry  Requirement: For entrance candidates need to have occupational health and Academis Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) clearance. There are other requirements which you can find out in its website.

University Tuition Fee: Tuition fee vary for different course and subject students choose, so you have to know it from faculty or admission office.

Scholarship provided by University: King's College offers various type of funding opportunities for different programmes, you have to check it out in King's funding database.

Some Successful Alumni : John Keats, Charles Lyell, Lord Lister, Sir James Black and Peter Higgs.

5. The University of Queensland school of Dentistry

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

The University of Australian state has the biggest and most advanced  dental medical institution in Australia  with combination of  education, research,training, and patient care experience. Australian Dental Council has been licenced Bachelor in Dental Science (BDSc) program  and provides students with the chance to pay their final year in Government dental clinics furthermore as community health service clinics so as to any develop their clinical skills and skill before graduation.

Entry  Requirement: Candidates need to have transcript of higher secondary level education in Biological Science. Local applicants must sit UMAT and international applicants must sit ISAT. Candidates must aquire minimum rank 99/OP1 and those who do not get that rank have another alternative procedure.

University Tuition Fee: About AUD $10,000.

Some Successful Alumni : Graham Colditz, Ken Ham, Donald Markwell, and Adrian Pagan.

6. Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Tokyo Medical and Dental University has college man programs offered through the school of medication and also the school of medicine. Graduate programs ar in Medical and Dental Sciences, Health Sciences, medicine Sciences (Education Division), and medicine Sciences (Research Division). The college man faculty of field of study and Sciences supports students as they learn a core information before taking specialised courses in medication or medicine. To facilitate the college man and graduate programs, TMDU incorporates a teaching hospital hooked up to every school.

Tokyo Medical and Dental University is totally different and distinctive than most different medical and dental universities. At TMDU, they turn out medical practitioner and dentist as United Nations agency who are dedicated towards their field of labor. This university encourage and alter graduates to become sensible person rather than simply changing into book minded person.

Entry  Requirement: Candidates must have high school completed and must go through entrance test. For more information get in here.

University Tuition Fee: 248,400 YEN per semester.

Scholarship provided by University: Any  student can apply for are  scholarships and other financial assistance. The International Exchange Center Office can help you apply to a scholarship from college as your choice.

7. Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Harvard University is dedicated to excellence in teaching, learning, and analysis, and to developing leaders in several disciplines UN agency build a distinction globally. Harvard school area unit engaged with teaching and analysis to push the boundaries of human data. Established in 1636, Harvard is that the oldest establishment of upper education within the U.S.Harvard has over 360,000 alumni round the world. Harvard graduate school is that the 1st ever university based mostly graduate school in North America. Harvard's college of odontology incorporates a robust analysis backbone and has obtained a superb inheritance for discoveries among its walls. Harvard leads in group action new discoveries from the laboratory to reworking such discoveries into a solid syllabus offered to their students. whereas analysis is it's strength, clinical coaching is additionally keeping pace.But this college is additionally one among the pricey college within the world.

Entry  Requirement: Here is full information regarding admission procedure.

Scholarship provided by University: Here in information regarding scholarship.

8. University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry [Canada]

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

The University of Toronto has assembled one of the strongest research and teaching faculties in North America, presenting top students at all levels with an intellectual environment unmatched in breadth and depth on any other Canadian campus.The University of Toronto faculty are also widely recognized for their teaching strengths and commitment to graduate supervision. Combining the rigours of biological and clinical research with a superior educational experience across a full range of undergraduate and graduate programs  with and without advanced specialty training,  the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto has earned an international reputation as a premier dental research and training facility in Canada. From the cutting-edge science of biomaterials and microbiology, to next-generation nanoparticle and stem cell therapies, to ground-breaking population and access-to-care studies, the mission of the Faculty of Dentistry is to shape the future of dentistry and promote optimal health by striving for integrity and excellence in all aspects of research, education and clinical practice.

Entry  Requirement: Candidates must have completed three years of university education which is equivalent to three years of undergraduate education at the University of Toronto. Candidates also have to take test on English proficiency test.

Scholarship provided by University: There are various type of scholarships are available in the university which you can see here.

9. University of Otago [New Zealand]

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

As New Zealand's first university, founded in 1869, Otago has earned an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching, and is New Zealand's top-ranked university for research. In 2015, the University of Otago has over 20,000 students enrolled and has a presence throughout New Zealand. Most undergraduate and postgraduate study takes place on the Dunedin campus, but the University is also represented in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Invercargill. At the forefront of modern scholarship, Otago is able to attract first-rate academics, and our graduates are renowned for their independence and audacity of spirit, which makes them highly regarded by prospective employers. Otago offers a rich cultural life, reflecting a diverse international student community and New Zealand's own multicultural population.

Entry  Requirement: Evidence of academic achievement and  English language proficiency.

Scholarship provided by University: Here is the information about scholarships.

10. Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Science 

Top 10 best Universities for Dentistry around the world

Maulana Azad Institiute of Dental Science is one of the best choice for dental studies in India. The institute do various studies and research on different field of dentistry.The institute mainly conduct studies on subjects related to oral medicine and radiology. Bachelor and Masters Degree are available in dental surgery.

Entry  Requirement: Candidates must provide original transcript of  passing high school. 

Some Successful Alumni : Dr. Raj Goyal,  Dr. S. I. Padmavati, Dr. Ravi VijDr. Vandana Jain and Dr. Anil Aggrawal.

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