Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

Top 10 University for Medicine from around the world

Due to the competitive and challenging nature in medical profession, you have to show commitment in this field and do hard work on your gaining work experience. In this field, you have to be ready to face challenges in study as well as in future ahead. You always needed to be prepared for situation that can occur at anytime and you have to go through intensive workload.  

Top 10  Universities from around the world for Medicine

Top ten colleges for medicine studies from around the world which have a good record of its achievement and structured and valuable teaching method are listed below : 

1. Harvard Medical School (HMS) [United States]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

From extremely modest beginnings in 1782, when it opened with just three students, the Harvard Medical School (HMS) has produced thousands of leaders and caregivers with international influence in the fields of science and medicine. It boasts nine Nobel prizes shared between fifteen researchers; one of the most recent going to Linda Buck in 2004 for her discovery of “odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system”. Scientists from HMS and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (one of the 17 hospitals and research institutions that HMS is affiliated with) have recently published promising results relating to the development of a personalized tumor vaccine for leukemia patients.

Entry  Requirement: Candidates need to show evidence of their personal and intellectual credentials. Foreign students with baccalaureate or advance degree have more chances to get accepted. Students outside of United States or Canada should have additional one year training of college or university in U.S  or Canada.

University Tuition Fee: About $55000 annually.

Scholarship provided by University: Harvard Medical School Scholarship is awarded only on limited number and mostly for individual from low to medium level income countries and other from of scholarships are provided on the basis of merit and nationality. 

Some Famous Alumni : Jessica  Meir, Stuart Orkin, Pardis Sabeti and S. Ted Treves

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2. University of Oxford [United Kingdom] 

Top 10 University for Medicine from around the world

Oxford Medicine has collected sixteen Nobel prizes over the years, one shared in 1945 between Sir Howard W Florey, Sir Ernst Chain and Sir Alexander Fleming “for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases”. Other notable people include Professor Adrian Harris who “pioneered drug therapies based on blocking the blood supply to tumors”; Professor Peter Donnelly for his work in identifying genetic risk factors for breast cancer, and Professor Herman Waldmann for the development of an antibody therapy for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Entry  Requirement: Students should  have A-Levels or International Baccalaureate or any higher level education where course content must match with A-Levels. It is essential for students to take Chemistry with Biology or Mathematics or Physics.

University Tuition Fee: Annual tuition fee ranges from £14000 to £22000.

Scholarship provided by University: Students will get  Scholarship of about £1,000 by college and department. 

Some Famous Alumni : Sir Roger Bannister, J B S Haldane, Professor Andrew Carr and professor Doug Higgs FRS 

3. University of Cambridge [United Kingdom]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

Of its 26 affiliated Laureates in the field of medicine, one of Cambridge’s most popular Nobel Prize winners is Sir John B Gurdon, “for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent”. The Department of Medicine’s most recent published achievement is the production of a full three-dimensional model of the structure of an HIV RNA packaging signal, which had previously only been solved in small regions because of technological limitations. The report says that the model can be used as a foundation upon which to base the design of new anti-HIV drugs.

Entry  Requirement: Students should be in final eighteen months away from graduation for placement that they want to apply.  Scanned original Official University Transcript in English, reference from Dean of your University. There are also other requirements which you can find here 

University Tuition Fee: There is no tuition fee for the selected candidates who meets all the entry requirement. Except only £1200 for accommodation, administration and health fee.

Scholarship provided by University: For detail information about scholarship click here.

Notable Alumni of University : David Owen. 

4. Johns Hopkins University [United States]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was founded in 1893, four years after the opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, which has been ranked number 1 for 21 years in a row by the US News & World Report. Affiliates and faculty of Johns Hopkins Medicine have collected 19 Nobel prizes so far. Latest research includes studies on preventing type 2 diabetes; the formation of new blood vessels from stem cells; and the identification of exercise as a risk factor for heart failure in people with the genetic mutation ARVD/C (arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy).

Entry  Requirement: Students must take Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)  for acceptance and they can have only four years chance to do re-test after that they will not be acceptable. TOEFl is required for foreign students. Students who completed their college level in community college  are accepted and other factors such as with grades, course  of studies and personal statement determine the admission of student.  

University Tuition Fee: About $70000.

Scholarship provided by University: click here for detail scholarship information.

Some Famous Alumni : Virginia Apgar, Joanne Silberner, Abel Wolmen and John A. Wheeler. 

5. Stanford University [United States]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The Stanford School of Medicine claims four Nobel Laureates in total, including faculty and affiliates. Recently published research includes the creation of a bioengineered peptide that acts like a “molecular flashlight”, allowing for the outlines of a tumor to be highlighted with a high degree of accuracy, and also allowing for areas to be targeted for drug delivery. Researchers have also identified a potential new culprit for Alzheimer’s and aging, a protein called C1q, already well-known as an initiator of immune responses.

Entry  Requirement: Record of attendance of three  academic years or equivalent from accredited college, university or institute.

University Tuition Fee: About $17,000 which is payed in quarterly basis.

Scholarship provided by University: There is a Scholarly Concentration (SC) program where it provide students area of their interest combined with coursework, it develops critical thinking skill, evaluation skill which are designed to develop different skills and materials which can be applied to important problem in health care. 

Some Famous Alumni : Rosa Bacchetta, Sanjiv Gambhir, E Kopetsky and Bingwei Lu.

6. Yale University [United States]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The Yale School of Medicine was founded in 1810, making it the sixth oldest medical school in the US. Dr George E Palade from the institution shared a Nobel Prize with two others in 1974 "for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell". Yale researchers were the first to use chemotherapy to treat cancer, and the first to identify Lyme disease. Recent research has included the discovery of a technique for tracking electrical activity in the brain by inserting fluorescent proteins into neurons, which are then recorded by optical sensors as they respond to changes in electrical signals.

Entry  Requirement: Record of attendance of three  academic years or equivalent from accredited college, university or institute. Completion of chemistry, biology, zoology, biochemistry with good marks is needed.

University Tuition Fee: Around $35000 anuual. For detail information about tuition and financial aid, please click here.

Scholarship provided by University: Scholarship are provided to students who 
are in need and have low level income. For information regarding scholarship and loan, please click this link.

Some Successful Alumni : Vivek Murthy, Louann Brizendine, James Chang.

Click here for more information about this College.

7. University of California (UCLA) [Los Angeles. USA]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is only half a century old, yet ranks alongside other institutions twice its age. Faculty member Louis J Ignarro shared a Nobel Prize in 1998 with two others for "discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system". Recently published research is about the effectiveness of fish oil at “reversing liver disease in children with intestinal failure who require intravenous nutrition”, when taken for six months.

Entry Requirement: Candidates are selected on the basis of the their record of undergraduate, Medical College Admission Test, Letter of Recommendation.  For more information, click here.

University Tuition Fee: About $32,000

Scholarship provided by University: UCLA provides merit based scholarship to 20% students entering in medical field despite of whatever their background is.  

Some Famous Alumni : Ally Walker, Barry Paw, Monica Wehby and Leinghton chan.

Click here for more information about this College.

8. Imperial College

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The Imperial College Faculty of Medicine brings eight major West London medical schools together into one institution. The Faculty has five affiliated Laureates, including Sir Alexander Fleming who shared the prize with two others in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin. Researchers have recently published the findings of a study into an “intelligent knife” that can tell if tissue it comes into contact with is cancerous or not. They have also published research into the metabolites a tumor produces at different stages, making it possibly to determine what stage it is at with a high degree of accuracy.

Entry  Requirement: Second class honors or above in appropriate biological subject, original certificate for proof of academic achievement, must have good command in English.

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for information on scholarship.

9. University College London (UCL) [United Kingdom] 

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

Entry  Requirement: All candidates must take Biomedical Admission Test (BMAT) and those who do not speak English need to qualify through English test. Click here for more information in admission process.

University Tuition Fee: To know about tuition fee click here.

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for UCL scholarship.

Some Famous Alumni : Ben Goldacre, Charles Tannock, Colin Groves and Leslie Collier 

Click here for more information about this College.

10. Karolinska Institute [Sweden]

Top 10 University for Medicine around the world

The Karolinska Institute is a medical university that accounts for almost half of all medical academic research in Sweden. It houses the Nobel Assembly, which has been selecting the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine since 1901. This means that five of those Laureates were selected very close to home, including two Institute affiliates in 1982 “for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically active substances". Guest Professor of Regenerative Surgery at the Institute, Paolo Macchiarini, performed the first two trachea replacement surgeries using manufactured organs in 2011. Ongoing research includes vaccines for all sorts of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and HIV.

Entry  Requirement: Generally candidates required to have advance second-level degree awarded with at least 60 credits awarded at advance level of courses out of 240 credits and candidates needs to have acquired equivalent additional knowledge by some other mean in Sweden or abroad. 

University Tuition Fee: As Karolinska Institute have different category for payment, click here for information on tuition fee. 

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for information on scholarship.

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