Top 10 Universities for Information Technology around the world

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

                  Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

As their is high demand for candidate with sound technological knowledge and application, and students have also desire for working on the new information technology, their are universities around the globe who can help to achieve your dream by providing you all the required resources and standard platform for your growth.

Top 10  Colleges from around the world for Information Technology

Top ten colleges from around the world which have best faculties and can provides best technical knowledge are listed below :

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [United States]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

The mission of university is to advance information and educate students in science, technology, and alternative areas of scholarship that may best serve the state and also the world within the twenty first century. The Institute is committed to generating, scattering, and protective information, and to operating with others to bring this information involved on the world's nice challenges. University is devoted to providing its students with associate education that mixes rigorous educational study and also the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a various field community.The Institute admitted its initial students in 1865, four years once the approval of its introduction charter. Alumni  of institute believed that skilled ability is best fostered by coupling teaching and analysis and by focusing attention on real-world issues.

MIT holds a mission  is to teach students with advance technological information that may produce a work force who will best serve the planet. The Institute is committed to each attainable resolution to the world's challenges. This establishment is best because it centered on finding real-world issues by much doing analysis and applying information gained through university. 

Entry  Requirement: Candidates should take different test such as SAT, TOEFL as per the given category which is shown in detail here.

University Tuition Fee:  Its current  tuition fee is $44,720 and $13,224 for room and board.

Scholarship provided by University:

Some Successful Alumni : Ben Bernanke, Kofi Annan, Salman Khan (Khan Academy), Jhon W. Thompson (chairman, Microsoft)

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2. Harvard University[United States]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

Harvard University is dedicated to excellence in teaching, learning, and analysis, and to developing leaders in several disciplines who create a distinction globally. Harvard college is engaged with teaching and analysis to push the boundaries of human information for college students who are excited to research the most important problems with the twenty first century. Established in 1636, Harvard is that the oldest establishment of upper education within the us. Harvard has over 360,000 alumni round the world.

Entry  Requirement: To get admission on Harvard University students are required to have SAT, TOEFL and English proficiency test and provide original transcripts and  other documents such as letter of recommendation.

University Tuition Fee: Total cost for 2015-2016 for attending harvard college is $45,278 and $60,659 for board, fee, tuition and room combined without financial aid.

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for information about scholarship.

Some Successful Alumni : Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates, Tommy Lee Jones and Natalie Portman.
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3.Stanford University[United States]

Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading analysis and teaching establishments, with one among the foremost famed schools within the nation. Stanford students—men and girls of all races, ethnicities and ages —are distinguished by their love of learning and need to contribute to the larger community. Stanford University offers its students a stimulating vary of educational and extracurricular activities. The pioneering spirit that galvanized Jane and businessman to begin this university quite a century past which helped build geographical region where its field encourages boldness in everything that it have a tendency to do - whether or not those efforts occur within the library, within the room, in an exceedingly laboratory.

Entry  Requirement: Stanford University takes by determinig different factor such as students grades, background, SAT scores, etc. Click here for information detail.

University Tuition Fee: Tuition fee is about $44000 plus $14000 for room and board in this university.

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for information.

Some Successful Alumni : Larry Page, Tiger Woods, Steve Ballmer and Mukesh Ambani.

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4. University of Oxford [United Kindom]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

Oxford is that the oldest university within the communicative  world. Oxford attracts students and students from across the world. Oxford is among the Europe's most innovative and entrepreneurial universities. Drawing on Associate in Nursing 800-year tradition of discovery and invention, trendy Oxford leads the manner in making jobs, wealth, skills and innovation for the twenty first century. The leading United Kingdom university for information transfer and business spin-outs.

Entry  Requirement: Most of students takes A-Levels before joining Oxford but other equivalent courses are also get admission. Click here for detail information on admission procedure.

University Tuition Fee: Tuition fee of this university is £9000  for UK and European students and for overseas students it is about £23000 including classroom and laboratory fee.

Scholarship provided by University: Their are various form of scholarship provided by Oxford and external source which are provided here.

Some Successful Alumni : Bill Clinton, Dr.Manmohan Singh, Stephen Hawking and Oscar Wilde.

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5. University of Cambridge[United Kingdom]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

The University of Cambridge is wealthy in history - its notable schools and University buildings attract guests from everywhere the globe. The University of Cambridge is one among the oldest universities within the world and one among the most important within the U.K. Its name for outstanding tutorial action is understood world-wide and reflects the intellectual action of its students, similarly because the foremost original analysis administrated by the workers of the University and therefore the schools. Its name is supported by the standard Assurance Agency and by different external reviewers of learning and teaching, like External Examiners. These high standards square measure the results of each the training opportunities offered at Cambridge and by its intensive resources, together with libraries, museums and different collections. Teaching consists not solely of lectures, seminars and sensible categories, but there is conjointly additional personal teaching organized through the universities. several opportunities exist for college kids to act with students of all levels.

University Tuition Fee:  £9000  for UK and European students and for overseas students it is about £21000 including classroom and laboratory fee.

Scholarship provided by University: Here you can see different scholarship skim.

Some Successful Alumni :  Charles Darwin, Edward Wilson, Charles Babbage, Alan Turing and John Harvard.

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6. Carnegie Mellon University(CMU) [United States]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

 Carnegie  has evolved as internationally recognized establishment university with a particular mixture of best academic and analysis programs in engineering, robotics, engineering, the sciences, business, public policy, fine arts and also the humanities. Any low student-to-faculty quantitative relation provides a chance for shut interaction between students and professors. Carnegie altruist is one in every of the foremost technologically subtle campuses within the world.

Entry  Requirement: Their are some criteria for admission which are provided here.

University Tuition Fee: Around $45000.

Scholarship provided by University: Click here for information about scholarship.

Some Successful Alumni : Ivan Sutherland, Judith Resnik, Randy Pausch,  and Paul Allaire.

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7. University of California, Irvine (UCI) [United States]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

University of California (UCIcombines the strengths of a major research university with the highly personalized experience of a small college. Over four remarkable decades, it have become internationally recognized for efforts that are improving lives through research and discovery, fostering excellence in scholarship and teaching, and engaging and enriching the community. Times Higher Education magazine ranks UCI as the number one university in the nation and fourth in the world under 50 years of age.

Entry  Requirement: Click here for admission procedure.

University Tuition Fee: $36000 for the international students.

Scholarship provided by University: UCI provides scholarship to student for their high level of achievements and for students who have financial need. Click here for more information.

Some Successful Alumni :  James D. McCaffrey, Paul Mokapetris, Roy Fielding and Bart Kosko.

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8. University of Texas at Austin [United States]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world


University of Texas (UT) is the most important and most revered universitiy. London stratified UT second among U.S. public universities and fifteenth overall in its ranking of the world's prime two hundred universities. UT is a center for quality education and is consistently ranked among the nation's best universities.

Entry  Requirement: Here is the detail  admission requirement for interested candidate.

University Tuition Fee: Ranges from $10,500 to 12,500

Scholarship provided by University: Their is variety of scholarship which are given here.

Some Successful Alumni : Neil deGrasse Tyson, Karl Rove, David  Geffen and George Washington Pierce.

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9. National University of Singapore(NUS) [Singapore]

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

A leading world university centred in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore's flagship university that offers a world approach to education and analysis with attention on Asian views and experience. NUS transformative education includes programmes like student exchange, entrepreneurial internships at NUS. It is providing students opportunities and challenges to grasp their potential. The University shares an in depth affiliation with sixteen national-level analysis institutes and centres. NUS is well-known for its analysis strengths in engineering and technology, life sciences and biomedicine, social sciences and natural sciences.

Entry  Requirement: Here is the information regarding admission  procedure.

University Tuition Fee: Tuition fee are different according to the subject students choose.

Scholarship provided by University: Here is detail information provided for scholarship.

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10. ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Top 10 University for Information Technology around the world

Consistently hierarchal the highest university in continental Europe, ETH Zurich, a people Federal Institute of Technology, could be a leading player in analysis and education in Switzerland and worldwide. ETH Zurich's sixteen departments supply Bachelor, Master and student programmes in engineering and natural sciences. The language of instruction within the Bachelor programmes is German, whereas English is that the common language on the graduate level. All degree programmes offer a solid scientific foundation combined with outstanding well-rounded skills, militarisation. ETH graduates with the talents and adaptability required for a career in business, business or the general public sector, as businessperson or someone. The international outlook - seventieth of the professors are recruited from abroad - and therefore the wonderful teaching and analysis infrastructure create ETH Zurich the perfect place for artistic personalities. The links with business and business area unit terribly shut, Zurich being the economic center of Switzerland and residential to varied international corporations. And on the far side best education, Zurich conjointly offers several alternative quality-of-life highlights. Zurich encompasses a metropolitan aptitude, wonderful sports facilities, an intensive vary of cultural and recreational offerings - and a awfully vivacious nightlife.

Entry  Requirement: For information about admission procedure click here.

University Tuition Fee: Semester fee in total is CHF64.

Scholarship provided by University: click here for detail information.

Some Successful Alumni : Albert Einstein, John von Neumann , Alfred Werner and Georg Cantor

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